Baptism at St Nicholas Church, Wallasey

Here at St Nicholas we take every request for a Baptism (also called a Christening) seriously and so here is a bit of information to help you.

Baptism is a significant event in life as it marks the beginning of a life time journey of faith and here at St Nicholas we want to help you begin, and support you through, that journey, both for yourself or for your child.

After you make the first contact, usually a request for a Baptism, we will contact you for a chat and explain how we would want to see things moving forward. In brief our thinking is as follows.

You are a member of the Church already.

If you are already a member of the Church and attending regularly a Baptism can be arranged quite easily. You can speak to me after the service. Please note, we cannot promise that the date you request will be available so please don't book your venue until the date is confirmed.

You don't belong to the Church or don't attend the Church. Please read below. 

If you don't belong to St Nicholas Church or don't attend regularly it is unlikely we will agree to a Baptism at this stage. To help people come to an undertsanding of what Baptism means we will invite you to attend a three session prearation course.

For those not wishing to attend the Baptism meetings we will suggest the option of having a service of Thanksgiving for the Life of a Child. This allows you to celebrate the birth of your child without being asked to make commitments that you may not feel comfortable making.

After a service of Thanksgiving for the Life of a Child you are very welcome to pop in to the Sunday services as and when you can which will give you some understanding of what belonging to a Church is about. If at some point in the future you would like to explore the idea of Baptism we will be very happy to chat with you.

It all sounds a bit complicated doesn't it. If you woul dlike a chat about our policy and want to know why we suggest the Service of Thanksgiving rather than Baptism  Please call me on 07906067325
